The government is now operating in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions, pending the outcome of the 2025 federal election.

Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care

Our independent oversight helps transform the aged care system to better meet the diverse needs of older people in Australia.

Get involved

Engaging with the sector is important to our work. We value input from those within the sector, those representing the sector, and the public.

Who we are

We are an independent agency. We have oversight of the administration, regulation, and funding of the aged care system by the Australian Government.

Oversight of aged care

We call out systemic and significant issues in aged care, recommend change to government and parliament, and review complaints management processes.


Have your say

Submissions are now open until 14 March 2025 for feedback about the 2025 progress report on the implementation of Royal Commission recommendations.

Learn more about how to contribute


Our vision is to be a trusted authority that ensures integrity and accountability in the aged care system by providing informed and independent oversight. We will be a catalyst for change by calling out problems and identifying areas for improvement to ensure that older people can access the care they need.